Paul Phillips, Director of Consultancy Services

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Over 25 years of experience in workplace compliance

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Regular contributor to facilities and estates management press

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Regular participant and speaker at facilities management events

Paul is passionate about “putting the customer first” and enjoys seeing these values in the Assurity Consulting team by recruiting individuals who want to provide the best possible service for their customers.Paul Phillips, Director of Consultancy Services

Paul originally qualified and trained in medical microbiology at a combined NHS and Health Protection Agency laboratory in South Wales. He then moved to the King Fahad National Guard Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia before joining Assurity Consulting as an Environmental Consultant in 1990. His personal development at Assurity Consulting involved managing a company-wide IT project to facilitate on-site data collection to improve the electronic information service for clients and company management information. Paul then assumed responsibility initially for a team of health, safety and environmental consultants before taking on the role of Head of Operations for Assurity Consulting. Since 2016, Paul has been Director of Consultancy Services.

Paul has featured in editions of facilities management publications such as Facilitate magazine, the Facilities Management Journal (FMJ) and Property Week. In 2019 he worked closely with BNP Paribas Real Estate in jointly winning the PFM magazine award for “Partners in Expert Services”.

Paul has been a Member of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences for over thirty years and is a Member of the Institute of Directors. He is an active member of the British Council for Offices (BCO), working on the Environmental Sustainability Research Group, co-writing several briefing notes for BCO members. Paul is also the current Treasurer for the IWFM International Special Interest Group.

Paul is a lifelong supporter of his home football team, Swansea City, and remains a faithful season ticket holder!

I recognise that our customers want practicable help and advice, with solutions that are effective and sustainable. I would love to hear from you if you are interested in knowing more about how Assurity Consulting may benefit your personal aspirations. We have a team of fully qualified Consultants who are all permanent employees. They have a broad range of experience in workplace compliance disciplines and are passionate about customer service.

Insights by Paul

Lessons learned in workplace compliance

As we look out hopefully into the brighter, sunlit uplands of the year ahead, I am acutely aware of something that Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said about getting expert advice…

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