Assurity Consulting’s social and charity events in 2022!

At Assurity Consulting, we pride ourselves how much we invest in both our employee wellbeing, and the wellbeing of our local community. From our social events and parties for our people, to our fundraising campaigns and “Make a Difference Days” – a paid day our employees receive once per annum to support a cause of their choosing. As we come to the end of 2022, we look back on some of the activities we’ve delivered and participated in over the last year.

Since our last article on our internal events this year, we’ve held further social activities for our people, all on our company! This has included visiting an escape room, a comedy night, as well as holding catering events where our people can socialise and enjoy some good food!

“There are plenty of social events I get to enjoy with my colleagues – such as our annual summer party the company throws, and food van events at the office!” – Ross Williams, Consultant

In the wake of COVID-19 and flexible working, we also continue to hold virtual events to support our employees – such as virtual wellbeing sessions, and our weekly “FRED Talks”.

Our company wide Christmas party – with food, drink, music – saw a Christmas quiz, Christmas jumper competition, and charity raffle! Employees went home with various prizes – and we also raised £411 for our local children’s hospice, Chestnut Tree House during the event! All monies will be donated to support the valuable work Chestnut Tree House do, and this really goes to show how much the wellbeing of our local community means to our people as well.

“Thanks so much for organising the party today – I had a fab time!” – Julie Murphy, Finance & HR Supervisor

At our office – we’ve held further fundraising events such as our annual bake off in aid of the Olive Tree Cancer Support Centre – raising £51.52! We’ve continued to support the charity campaigns for our employees and customers. One of our Consultancy Service’s Deputy Manager, Emma, walked 100 miles in October to support Cancer Research. We supported and shared her campaign, and in the end Emma raised a total of £885! A huge congratulations to Emma.

We have also supported charity campaigns from by our customers and suppliers, such as the Hackney Empire’s “Festive Firsts” campaign – sponsoring children to see a pantomime this Christmas. We also supported the Y Act Appeal by YMCA, helping them raise a total of £20,260 to support young people this Christmas. Throughout the year, we attended every golfing event held by the St Catherine’s Hospice Golf Society – helping to raise over £26,000 to support the expert care that our local hospice provides.

“Wow, what can I say but a HUGE thank you for your part in helping us to exceed our target for our match fund appeal. I therefore wanted to reach out personally, to say we couldn’t have done it without you. – Sam Hart - Corporate Partnerships Manager, YMCA

As we approach Christmas, we are also supporting the Food Bank campaign with Horsham Matters – to help make sure that those struggling this winter are still able to enjoy a Christmas feast.

Earlier in the year, one of our Senior Consultants, Alex Wild, also offered his expertise free of charge to Springboard when it came to their fire safety – saving them potentially thousands of pounds in unnecessary remedial work.

This year, we have organised volunteer days for charities such as Olive Tree Cancer Care, Springboard, and YMCA – where we spent the day revamping their gardens, and even painting murals!

We would like to say a huge thank you to Assurity Consulting who spent time revamping our garden on Friday. The pots especially are looking blooming marvellous! We really appreciate your time and hard work. – Marylin Drury, Information Manager at The Olive Tree Cancer Support Centre

We are proud of what we have achieved throughout 2022. In total, we have been able to raise £3000 so far for charity, and we’re already planning what’s coming up in 2023! With charity quizzes, further fundraising events, and social events such as laser tag for our people – it’s looking to be an exciting new year ahead.