Assurity Consulting's social and charity activity - 2023 so far!

We believe as a business that we have a responsibility to more than just our industry. At the end of the first quarter of 2023, we look back on how we’ve had a positive effect on our employee wellbeing, as well as that of our local charities, schools, and more.

This year, we’ve held a variety of social events for our employees to enjoy – from a food van event at our office, a bowling social event, to a company wide get together at Roffey Park. This included a quiz with prizes, plus a buffet on us.

There have been other events we’ve thrown at our office as well, such as celebrating contract renewals with cupcakes in the office, and a ‘Wear it Red’ event we held in aid of our charity partner Springboard, where our employees dressed in red attire and tucked into some valentine themed snacks and tea. We were able to raise £70 in aid of Springboard, to support the valuable work they do at their inclusive stay and play centre in Horsham. We’ve also held Wellbeing at Work logotwo virtual wellbeing sessions for our people with At Work Wellbeing, on the subjects of mindful eating and financial wellbeing.

Collyers logoWe’ve taken part in a number of activities supporting our local community as well. We attended the College of Richard Collyer’s Next Steps Careers Fair, and had the opportunity to speak with students about their next steps after they leave college – and the careers opportunities we offer. We took part in Richard Place Dobson’s annual charity quiz night, helping raise over £1,000 in aid of the Crawley Food Sussex Wildlife Trust logoBank Partnership. We also held our first ‘Make a Difference Day’ of the year, supporting the Sussex Wildlife Trust with a beach clean down in Brighton. You can read more about what we got up to here.

We’ve got plenty planned for the rest of the year – from social events for our people, to volunteer days for our local charities. We’re excited for what’s coming next, and to give back to both our people and the causes that matter to them.