Assurity Consulting's Corporate Responsibility in Q4 2023!

We’ve also made some great accomplishments towards our corporate responsibility goals. It’s always a busy final quarter at Assurity Consulting - from completing our final reports of the year, to running our expert webinars, and preparing our budget for 2024. We’ve also made some great accomplishments towards our corporate responsibility goals.

We fundraised a total of £542 for our charity partner Springboard this quarter, with a charity breakfast for our employees to enjoy – and our annual office Christmas lunch!

Amazing! Thank you so much for your continued support.
- Springboard
An amazing amount of money going to our longest charity partner.
– Ian Woodland, Director of Business Services at Assurity Consulting

Employees got involved with fundraising competitions such as our Christmas jumper competition and charity raffle – and went home in high spirits with a variety of prizes that were supplied by the company. In addition to this, we ran a Christmas quiz, and treated our employees to both food and drink.

As for our Christmas lunch itself, we worked with local caterer Paella Fella, who source their ingredients locally and provide compostable plates and cutlery. We always aim to support local businesses who are mindful of their environmental impact - and the food was delicious as well!

We are also currently supporting Springboard with our office Christmas card, where employees can sign and donate a small amount to sign the card. This is an environmentally friendly option that uses less paper to reduce unnecessary waste.

Many of our colleagues have also been helping our charity partners by volunteering this quarter. Each year, every employee at Assurity Consulting receives a ‘Make a difference day’, a paid day which can be used to support a charity or local community. This Christmas, we organised a day for our employees to volunteer at the St Catherine’s Hospice Christmas wrapping station in Crawley County Mall. To fundraise for our local hospice, our employees wrapped gifts for Christmas shoppers in return for a donation to the charity. It was a great day with an amazing atmosphere, and we look forward to volunteering again next year!

Thank you so much for volunteering today – it is really appreciated.
– Auds Stapleton, Corporate Partnerships Officer at St Catherine's Hospice

We’ve also held social events for our employees to enjoy – from catering events at our office, to a night out at a comedy club – with tickets on the company.

As we near the end of the year, we are proud to say we have raised an amazing £4245 in aid of our charity partners – absolutely smashing our target of £3250. This is an incredible achievement, and we would like to say thank you to our employees for pulling out all the stops to make this happen. We are proud to be able to use our position as a small to medium enterprise to make a difference in our local community.