Assurity Consulting’s beach clean with the Sussex Wildlife Trust!

At Assurity Consulting, our employees each receive a 'Make a Difference Day' - one day per annum that they can use to support the local community. Our employees can use this day in any way of their choosing, be that by supporting a local school, fundraising for a charity, and they can also join in with team 'Make a Difference Days' that we organise for our employees. Sussex Wildlife Trust logo

A huge thank you to Kim, April, Emma C, James C, Ian W, James F, Carrie, and Emily H for using their Make a Difference Day to help support our local wildlife and beach, and thank you also to the Sussex Wildlife Trust as well, for supporting us in our beach clean and survey, and for a very enlightening day.

We found all sorts during our beach clean, from fishing line to a baking tray – and it was a very enlightening day regarding the amount of waste that ends up on our beaches and oceans. Despite the beach looking clean at first glance we collected and surveyed 770 individual items of which 75% were plastic/polystyrene with 25% deemed to be directly from the public. The mass was 9.79 Kg which is fairly significant bearing in mind the small size of most items.

You can learn more about the importance of data here, and the Sussex Wildlife Trust also shared the following video with us, ‘The man who first discovered plastic in the ocean’ on the initial disinterest from the scientific community in the 1970s regarding the litter that ends up in our oceans.

Thank you very much to you and your team for joining our beach clean and litter survey at Black Rock, Brighton in the chilly winter weather – Julia Hoare, Beach Clean Coordinator at The Sussex Wildlife Trust

This survey has also been submitted to the national Beachwatch database, and it will be used as evidence base for campaigns designed to help improve the health of our oceans.