Our independent guides cover key areas of health, safety and environmental legislation and duties.

Workplace guides

What should the temperature be in the workplace?

During the summer months we all enjoy the warm weather, but some people may not find their workplace comfortable. The purpose of this guide is to provide practical help with understanding the issues and actions that can be taken to alleviate problems.

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What are the regulations on vibration at work?

The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 came into force on 6th July 2005 under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This is the implementation of the European Physical Agents (Vibration) Directive 2002. Two distinct areas are dealt with in the regulations, Hand Arm Vibration (HAV) and Whole Body Vibration (WBV). The regulations introduce action and limit values for hand, arm and whole body vibration.

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What are Volatile Organic Compounds?

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a group of carbon-based chemicals, many of which form the essential building blocks of life. However, a number of organic compounds we use today, although occurring naturally, are often synthesised. At room temperature vapours readily escape volatile chemicals.

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How could zinc whiskers affect my computer room?

Zinc whiskers originate from zinc-electroplated surfaces commonly used in a variety of building applications, including data centres and computer rooms. The zinc is used to coat metal fixtures to prevent rusting or oxidation occurring. Electrical pressures across the coating can cause the zinc to migrate and form thin spicules, that over time can grow out of the surface. These “whiskers” are typically only about 2 microns in diameter but can reach several millimeters in length over time.

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